מדעי החברה

How to prepare for an Unforeseen Disaster #13

Podcast #13: How to prepare for an Unforeseen Disaster Prof. Bruria Adini
In this episode of TAU Unbound our host, Ambassador Ido Aharoni Aronoff, is hosting Dr. Bruria Adini, head of the Department of Emergency Management and Disaster Medicine in the School of Public Health, in the Faculty of Medicine at Tel Aviv University. Prof. Adini Spent 17 years in the Israel Defense Forces and then in the Ministry of Health and acquired invaluable knowledge in the management of extreme crisis situations. She obtained her PhD in the management of health systems. Her main message is holistic: to promote effective management of emergencies and disasters, the public must be viewed as a partner. Bruria is involved in the planning and implementation of processes aimed at ensuring effective response to different hazards that pose a risk, including earthquakes, floods, wars, pandemic and of course climate-related risks. Join us for this discussion and subscribe and share if you like! 00:00 intro 00:50 Israel Defense Forces and then in the Ministry of Health 02:50 The army as an organizational force with logistical value 04:20 Measurements of public preparedness and public health during a crisis 06:07 Various threats to Israel: from earthquakes to wars 12:00 The Covid epidemic and the policy of closures 17:00 Research at Tel Aviv University combines science and practice 21:20 Government support and hope are the key to social resilience 23:40 The climate crisis as a critical emergency 26:27 Solution: adjusted priority of resources, the public as a resource not as a problem https://international.tau.ac.il
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