מדעי הרוח

#10 Popular Culture, the Israeli Sabra

Podcast #10: What is Popular Culture and What Happened to the Israeli 'Sabra'? Dr. Miri Talmon
In this episode of TAU Unbound our host, Ambassador Ido Aharoni Aronoff, is engaging in a lively discussion about Israel’s popular culture with expert Dr. Miri Talmon who had studies mass media and popular culture for decades. What happened to the Israeli image as a “Sabra” Is it still prickly from the outside but sweet from the inside? Why should the world know about the great humor of Ephraim Kishon and his generation of Israeli humorists? Join us for this important discussion and share if you like! 00:00 intro 01:00 Academic background 02:01 Characteristics of Israeli Popular Culture 07:55 The importance of grouphood in Israeli culture 11:50 Multiculturalism 16:00 Contemporary Israeli Cinema 17:00 The similarity between Israeli and American culture 20:48 Differences between humor and satire 25:00 The work of Ephraim Kishon 30:00 Recommendations for Israeli Culture 30:50 Israel as a representative of an eclectic culture https://international.tau.ac.il
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