
Episode #3: To Fall in Love with Israel

Episode #3: To Fall in Love with Israel
As a young person, the Switzerland-born Executive Director of Tel Aviv University’s International School, Maureen Meyer Adiri, was always attracted to Israel’s energy and vibrancy. Her ongoing love affair with Israel and her unique personal account of the Aliyah experience, serve as an inspiration to the many international students that passed through her program. In this episode of TAU Unbound, Maureen shares with host Ido Aharoni Aronoff, personal anecdotes and ‘behind the scenes’ stories.. Tel Aviv 360 – Tel Aviv University’s Podcast 00:15 Introduction 00:50 Personal history 03:17 UN Watch Organization 05:22 Aliyh (immigration) to Israel 11:24 Tel Aviv University International School maureenm@post.tau.ac.il https://international.tau.ac.il
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