מדעי החברה

#5 - What is the Future of American Politics?

• start Episode #5 - What is the Future of American Politics?
The career of Israeli political scientist Prof. Udi Sommer brought him to America where he studies and taught American politics, politics of sexuality and gender, judicial politics, pandemics and politics, and cyber Security. In this episode of TAU Unbound, Prof. Sommer shares with host Ambassador Ido Aharoni Aronoff, his predictions for the future of the American political system, analysis of the most recent mid-term elections and insights as to Israel’s positioning. 00:00 start 01:00- Personal biography, writing poetry 05:00 - Israel and the United States relations 07:00 - American democracy compared to Israeli democracy 15:00 - Fans of former President Donald Trump and their influence. 21:00 - Technology in the elections 25:00 - The two party system in the USA 28:00 - The effect of the mid-term elections in the United States on Israel https://international.tau.ac.il
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