מדעים מדויקים

#2: How Quantum Computing Will Impact Our Lives

Episode #2: How Quantum Computing Will Impact Our Lives?
Haifa-born Tel Aviv University physicist, Prof. Yaron Oz, spent decades learning the power of computing and explored practical ways for humankind to harness computational advancements to the betterment of life. In this episode of TAU Unbound, Prof Oz brilliantly simplifies, with host Ido Aharoni Aronoff, complex subjects such as high energy particle physics, quantum gravity, quantum information and computation. Tel Aviv 360 – Tel Aviv University’s Podcast 00:15 Introduction 00:40 Personal history 06:45 The accelerator at CERN, Switzerland 10:20 Faculty of Exact Sciences, TAU 13:30 Quantum Field Theories 18:30 Quantum computing https://international.tau.ac.il
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