מכון בוריס מינץ: Celebrating the Food Planet Prize
25 במרץ 2021, 17:00
ללא תשלום
Celebrating the Food Planet Prize:
Research and Development for a Better World
17:00 Opening Remarks
Prof. Milette Shamir,
Vice President, Tel Aviv University
17:10 Introduction
The Curt Bergfors
17:20 Research and Practice for a Better World: Insects for Food and Feed
Dr. Chrysantus Tanga,
Research Scientist,
International Centre of Insect
Physiology and Ecology (icipe)
17:30 icipe – BMI Collaboration
Dr. Segenet Kelemu,
Director General & CEO, icipe
Prof. Itai Sened,
Dean of the Gershon H. Gordon
Faculty of Social Sciences
and Head of the Boris Mints
Institute, TAU
18:00 Taking Care of the World’s Fish
Dr. Alasdair Harrris,
Executive Director,
Blue Ventures
Prof. Eran Bacharach,
Faculty of Life Sciences, TAU
18:30 Sustainable Agriculture
Rachel Stroer,
Acting President
Tim Crews,
Director of Ecological
Intensification and Soil Ecologist
The Land Institute
Dr. Ram Fishman,
Department of Public Policy, TAU
19:00 Water and Sanitation
Mr. David Auerbach,
Sanergy Limited
Prof. Hadas Mamane,
Faculty of Engineering, TAU
19:30 Closing Remarks
Maayan Hoffman,
Head of Strategy &
Coronavirus Analyst at
The Jerusalem Post Group
Meeting link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86080041203