The Labor Of Secrecy: Interpreting Parables From The Bible To Kafka - הרצאת המכון ללימודים מתקדמים ע"ש מורטימר וריימונד סאקלר

06 בדצמבר 2021, 16:00 
בניין גילמן, חדר 449 
ללא תשלום
The Labor Of Secrecy: Interpreting Parables From The Bible To Kafka - הרצאת המכון ללימודים מתקדמים ע"ש מורטימר וריימונד סאקלר

Lecture in the framework of the annual seminar of The Shirley and Leslie Porter School for Cultural Studies, by Professor Abigail Gillman, Department of World Languages and Literatures, Boston University, Boston, MA, USA


Since ancient times, religious teachers have communicated wisdom through parables. In the modern period, literary writers and philosophers adopt parabolic style to challenge us and subvert our ways of thinking. Parables have simple plots, but the message is rarely simple. A particular kind of interpretive labor is needed to grasp their message

Prof. Gillman’s lecture explores different theories about how parables work, arguing that Franz Kafka provides a template for understanding modern parabolic style. She traces the genealogy of the Jewish parable, from the Hebrew Bible, to the Gospels, Midrash, Hasidism, modernism, post-Holocaust writing, to contemporary literature. She proposes that the parable is especially significant today, as a form of meaning-making that challenges the rigid religious-secular divide


The Lecture will be held on Monday | 6 December 2021 | at 16:00 | Room ,449 Gilman Building

The lecture will also be broadcast live on Zoom



See Invitation here



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