עיקרי תקנות שכר לימוד לתלמידי מחקר - תואר שלישי

Basic principles of tuition regulations for doctoral students

A. Stage I doctoral student

A stage I doctoral candidate will pay 25% tuition annually until submitting a research proposal and being accepted as a doctoral student.

Stage II. If accepted from the second semester or the summer semester, the student will pay 12.5% tuition for that year. In the following year, s/he will be charged a 25% tuition rate.


B. Stage II doctoral student

A stage II doctoral student will pay 80% of the tuition fee, a minimum accrued tuition fee towards the degree. The student will pay 40% of tuition for each of the first two years of her/his studies. From the third year, the student will pay 10% of the tuition rate. The payment is at a set rate, regardless of the number of hours of study. If the student was accepted as a stage II doctoral student from the second semester or from the summer semester, s/he will pay 20% of the annual tuition for that year. In the subsequent year, s/he will be charged 40%.



For a stage II doctoral student accepted from the second semester or the summer semester, the accrued tuition is 60%, and s/he will pay 25% of the tuition rate. If s/he completes her/his studies in the first semester of the third year, s/he will pay 20% of the tuition rate.


Doctoral students who are abroad for the purpose of their studies throughout the entire academic year are required to pay the basic tuition and are exempt from associated payments. (They must produce proper certification of their stay abroad to the Tuition Unit from the Doctoral Students Secretariat or from the Faculty Office of their field of studies.)


A stage II doctoral student who has completed her/his studies in a period of three semesters will pay only 60% of the tuition rate. (S/he will not be required to pay an additional 20% of the rate of tuition.) 


C. Payment of tuition until submitting the dissertation for review

A doctoral student is required to pay tuition every year continuously until submitting her/his dissertation for review, except for a student for whom the Unit Committee approved a break in studies. See the University Regulations for Doctoral Students. Upon submission of the dissertation for review, the Tuition Unit will approve with its signature that the student has completed her/his tuition payments. Sending the dissertation for review will be conditional upon presenting this signed confirmation of tuition payment. 

A doctoral student will not pay tuition for the period of review of the dissertation, unless the reviewers require making essential corrections to the research which require additional work in the Unit Committees and the University Committee. The tuition rate for the period of the corrections will be 5% of tuition + associated payments for each semester.


D. Courses in other Faculties

If a doctoral student registered for courses in another Faculty should receive academic credit in the future for these hours towards a bachelor's or master's degree, s/he will be required retroactively to pay full tuition for her/his studies even if s/he is studying on a scholarship. The charge will be in accordance with the tuition rate for the year in which he took the courses.


E. Candidate for doctoral studies

A candidate for doctoral studies will pay tuition at a rate of 25%. If s/he is accepted as a doctoral student from the second semester or from the summer semester, s/he will pay 12.5% of tuition for that same year.


F. Doctoral students from universities abroad

Doctoral students from universities abroad, staying in Israel for the purpose of mentoring or being advised by a Tel Aviv University faculty member, will be charged 10% a year.


G. A joint Ph.D. with universities abroad

A doctoral student studying in the framework of an agreement for granting a joint Ph.D. degree with universities abroad, during the years that s/he is not studying at Tel Aviv University will pay associated payments only.


*Note: Students who are foreign citizens will pay 25% of the basic tuition fee.


אוניברסיטת תל אביב עושה כל מאמץ לכבד זכויות יוצרים. אם בבעלותך זכויות יוצרים בתכנים שנמצאים פה ו/או השימוש שנעשה בתכנים אלה לדעתך מפר זכויות
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